These bills - SB 144 and HB 424 bill do not benefit Georgia farmers or consumers, our elected officials are being lied to- it only benefits pesticide manufacturers. Below is the list of sponsors - if your legislator is one of them, you should consider calling and asking them why they want to protect Big Ag at your expense?
Make a call asking a senator to oppose SB 144
Take action using the button to send an email.
Make calls and emails to Representatives to stop HB 424
GA Rep. Mike Cameron (R-GA-001) |
(404) 656-0188
GA Rep. Beth Camp (R-GA-135) |
(404) 656-7855
GA Rep. Joe Campbell (R-GA-171) |
(404) 656-0254
GA Rep. Chas Cannon (R-GA-172) |
(404) 656-0177
GA Rep. Kasey Carpenter (R-GA-004) |
(404) 657-7857
GA Rep. John Carson (R-GA-046) |
(404) 656-7855
GA Rep. Johnny Chastain (R-GA-007) |
(404) 656-0325
GA Rep. Mike Cheokas (R-GA-151) |
(404) 463-7853
GA Rep. David Clark (R-GA-100) |
(404) 656-0188
GA Rep. Rob Clifton (R-GA-131) |
(404) 656-1803
GA Rep. Sharon Cooper (R-GA-045) |
(404) 656-5069
GA Rep. John Corbett (R-GA-174) |
(404) 656-5105
GA Rep. Brent Cox (R-GA-028) |
(404) 656-0152
GA Rep. Clint Crowe (R-GA-118) |
(404) 656-0325
GA Rep. Buddy DeLoach (R-GA-167) |
(404) 656-7857
GA Rep. Katie Dempsey (R-GA-013) |
(404) 463-2248
GA Rep. Robert Dickey (R-GA-134) |
(404) 656-5099
GA Rep. Sandra "Sandy" Donatucci (R-GA-105) |
(404) 656-0177
GA Rep. Matt Dubnik (R-GA-029) |
(404) 656-2246
GA Rep. Emory Dunahoo (R-GA-031) |
(404) 656-7857
GA Rep. Chuck Efstration (R-GA-104) |
(404) 656-5052
GA Rep. Ginny Ehrhart (R-GA-036) |
(404) 656-5024
GA Rep. Chris Erwin (R-GA-032) |
(404) 656-7850
GA Rep. Tim Fleming (R-GA-114) |
(404) 656-0188
GA Rep. Jaclyn Ford (R-GA-170) |
(404) 656-0325
GA Rep. Lehman Franklin (R-GA-160) |
(404) 656-0178
GA Rep. Houston Gaines (R-GA-120) |
(404) 656-5025
GA Rep. Matthew Gambill (R-GA-015) |
(404) 651-7737
GA Rep. Gerald Greene (R-GA-154) |
(404) 656-9210
GA Rep. Joseph Gullett (R-GA-019) |
(404) 656-0178
GA Rep. Stan Gunter (R-GA-008) |
(404) 656-5125
GA Rep. Leesa Hagan (R-GA-156) |
(404) 656-0177
GA Rep. Matt Hatchett (R-GA-155) |
(404) 463-2247
GA Rep. Lee Hawkins (R-GA-027) |
(404) 656-7855
GA Rep. Scott Hilton (R-GA-048) |
(404) 656-0188
GA Rep. Bill Hitchens (R-GA-161) |
(404) 656-5126
GA Rep. Soo Hong (R-GA-103) |
(404) 651-7737
GA Rep. Mitchell Horner (R-GA-003) |
(404) 656-0325
GA Rep. Justin Howard (R-GA-071) |
(404) 656-0177
[email protected] | |
GA Rep. David Huddleston (R-GA-072) |
(404) 656-0325
GA Rep. Rick Jasperse (R-GA-011) |
(404) 656-7153
GA Rep. David Jenkins (R-GA-136) |
(404) 656-0188
GA Rep. Jan Jones (R-GA-047) |
(404) 656-5072
GA Rep. Todd Jones (R-GA-025) |
(404) 656-9210
GA Rep. Noelle Kahaian (R-GA-081) |
(404) 656-1077
GA Rep. Trey Kelley (R-GA-016) |
(404) 656-0188
GA Rep. John LaHood (R-GA-175) |
(404) 656-5105
GA Rep. Rob Leverett (R-GA-123) |
(404) 656-5132
GA Rep. Eddie Lumsden (R-GA-012) |
(404) 656-6831
GA Rep. Chuck Martin (R-GA-049) |
(404) 656-5146
GA Rep. Reynaldo "Rey" Martinez (R-GA-111) |
(404) 656-0254
GA Rep. Karen Mathiak (R-GA-082) |
(404) 656-0213
GA Rep. Danny Mathis (R-GA-133) |
(404) 656-0152
GA Rep. Derrick McCollum (R-GA-030) |
(404) 656-0152
GA Rep. Lauren McDonald (R-GA-026) |
(404) 651-7737
GA Rep. Steven Meeks (R-GA-178) |
(404) 463-2246
GA Rep. Martin Momtahan (R-GA-017) |
(404) 656-0178
GA Rep. Kimberly New (R-GA-040) |
(404) 656-0325
GA Rep. Mark Newton (R-GA-127) |
(404) 463-7855
GA Rep. Angie O'Steen (R-GA-169) |
(404) 656-0254
GA Rep. Butch Parrish (R-GA-158) |
(404) 656-5141
GA Rep. Don Parsons (R-GA-044) |
(404) 656-5143
GA Rep. Holt Persinger (R-GA-119) |
(404) 656-6731
GA Rep. Jesse Petrea (R-GA-166) |
(404) 656-5115
GA Rep. Alan Powell (R-GA-033) |
(404) 463-3793
GA Rep. Matt Reeves (R-GA-099) |
(404) 656-0152
GA Rep. Trey Rhodes (R-GA-124) |
(404) 656-5099
GA Rep. Carmen Rice (R-GA-139) |
(404) 656-0188
GA Rep. Gary Richardson (R-GA-125) |
(404) 656-0254
GA Rep. Jason Ridley (R-GA-006) |
(404) 656-3947
GA Rep. Jordan Ridley (R-GA-022) |
(404) 656-0254
GA Rep. Steven Sainz (R-GA-180) |
(404) 657-1803
GA Rep. Mitchell Scoggins (R-GA-014) |
(404) 656-0254
GA Rep. Devan Seabaugh (R-GA-034) |
(404) 656-0152
GA Rep. Deborah "Deb" Silcox (R-GA-053) |
(404) 657-1803
GA Rep. Lynn Smith (R-GA-070) |
(404) 656-7149
GA Rep. Tyler Smith (R-GA-018) |
(404) 657-7853
GA Rep. Vance Smith (R-GA-138) |
(404) 656-0254
GA Rep. Ron Stephens (R-GA-164) |
(404) 656-5115
GA Rep. Steve Tarvin (R-GA-002) |
(404) 463-3793
GA Rep. Darlene Taylor (R-GA-173) |
(404) 463-2246
GA Rep. Brad Thomas (R-GA-021) |
(404) 656-0152
GA Rep. Rick Townsend (R-GA-179) |
(404) 656-0178
GA Rep. Will Wade (R-GA-009) |
(404) 651-7737
GA Rep. Dale Washburn (R-GA-144) |
(404) 656-0152
GA Rep. Bill Werkheiser (R-GA-157) |
(404) 656-5132
GA Rep. Marcus Wiedower (R-GA-121) |
(404) 463-2248
GA Rep. Noel Williams (R-GA-148) |
(404) 656-5146
GA Rep. Bruce Williamson (R-GA-112) |
(404) 656-5025
GA Rep. Bill Yearta (R-GA-152) |
(404) 656-0254
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