Million Dollar Crop Loss, Rapid Aging, Obesity, Diabetes, and Brain Damage: The Tale of Three Studies on Glyphosate
Once a word that most reporters could not pronounce, “glyphosate” is now a common household word, with new studies popping up monthly on the harms of this ingredient that is the most widely used herbicide in the world.
A new report by Friends of the Earth shares that U.S. food retail sector faces $219 billion risk from pesticides. Three new studies show why this is happening.
GMOs and Glyphosate or a Bankrupt America? Choose.
"The bottom line, there will be no money left for anything else by 2026 because diabetes will have chewed through the health care dollars. There WILL BE NO HEALTH CARE here in America in 13 years of we do nothing." -Dr Lutzdig at 39:54 of this video by CBC News The Fifth Estate
What does this have to do with GMOs?
The majority of our sugar sources, beets and corn are GMO, 90-100%. They are directly sprayed with Roundup which contains Glyphosate because they are genetically engineered to withstand Roundup. Sugar cane and stevia, which make up a much smaller percentage of our sweetener sources, but are still used, are directly sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent during harvest. So ALL our sugar sources except for organic crops, are contaminated with glyphosate, especially GMOs, which are repeatedly sprayed.
According to the Samsel and Seneff paper on Glyphosate and Modern Diseases, glyphosate is directly connected to diabetes.
Glyphosate has been shown to destroy our beneficial gut bacteria. Our gut bacteria is the only place in which essential amino acid Tryptophan is produced in our body. Without Tryptophan we cannot produce seratonin (which regulates blood sugar) and insulin. Without insulin we develop diabetes. See 2:00 on this video interview of Anthony Samsel.
According to the NY Dept of Health:
"In type 1 diabetes, the body no longer makes insulin because the body's own immune system has attacked and destroyed the cells where insulin is made*. The cause of this isn't entirely clear but it may include genetic risk factors and environmental factors.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, the body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use its own insulin as well as it should."
*Do they know about the connection between glyphosate (which attacks the beneficial gut bacteria which makes Tryptophan/Seratonin and Insulin?) My guess would be no....
So 80% of our food contains GMOs, which are sprayed with Roundup repeatedly as they grow, and have high allowable levels of glyphosate. See list here. Also on this list you will see non-GMO food crops which have toxic allowable levels of glyphosate for us to consume, because the soil is sprayed with glyphosate. There are also non -GMO food crops like wheat, sugar, quinoa, dry peas, and beans which are sprayed with glyphosate as a drying agent during harvest and you will notice those levels of glyphosate are even higher: quinoa 5ppm, dry peas 8ppm etc.
To put it in perspective .1 ppm was shown to cause organ damage in a European animal study. That's point one. And a fraction of a part per TRILLION was shown to induce growth of breast cancer cells in a south east study. See study here. Shocking! So in addition to harm from glyphosate due to gut bacteria damage and impaired ability to produce Tryptophan and insulin, likely leading to diabetes, we are also extremely concerned about organ damage and cancer. 1out of 2 American men and 1 out of 3 women are expected to get cancer now. In 2010 the US spent 195 billion on cancer care and 90 billion on cancer research. One can see that these costs will only rise with increased use of GMOs and glyphosate.
GMOs have been shown to cause organ damage in animal studies all on their own, without pesticides or herbicides. But we now know that we also have this HUGE problem with glyphosate on our GMOS ans non-GMO food crops. The problem is systemic. The problem is affects all humans.
The solution is clear.
Label existing GMO foods immediately ( shelf talkers) so people can choose until ingredients are replaced with non-GMO ingredients.
The government bans the use of glyphosate ( Roundup) and puts a moratorium on GMOs.
Stores and distributors stop selling them.
Farmers stop using them.
People stop buying food that is not organic ( not so easy but we are working on it).
But before any of this will happen we need to share this information. Send it to your media. If you are media and you ignore this, you are part of the problem. And the problem, let's be clear, is the projected collapse of the American economy.
Share this with your doctors. Email your congress. Stop eating any food that is not organic. We are the only ones that say what goes in our mouth.
We also say where the money goes. If we let our money go to conventional food and Big Ag, which uses 5 billion pounds of pesticides/herbicides, including glyphosate a year, then we are also contributing to our nation's increasing diabetes and the foreseeable bankruptcy of America. We have a choice.
Bankruptcy or Organic? Choose wisely. Choose for the future of our children and our country.
Zen Honeycutt
Part 1 Samsel on Glyphosate and Autism, Asthma, COPD, Diabetes and more
Part 1 of the Effects of Glyphosate: Interview of Anthony Samsel by Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America
When Anthony Samsel of the Samsel and Seneff study on Glyphosate and Modern diseases agreed to allow me to interview him, something told me to get a hustle on and drive to his nearby home state as soon as possible. After hours on remote winding roads and towns so small that if you sneezed, you'd miss them, I was skeptical about the level of validity I would find. Would someone so brilliant live in the middle of nowhere?
When I arrived I saw the acres of beautiful flower, herb and vegetable gardens, large greenhouse and gorgeous music room with bass, cello and two grand pianos (and a third for the grandchildren). I saw the stack of the latest college text books on genetic engineering in his upstairs music recording studio, all of which he admitted to having read, and wall hangings of the elements, listened to him speak for a few moments...and I could tell I was in the presence of an extraordinarily valid and brilliant mind, maybe even a genius. I knew he had chosen this area specifically because it was remote. He mostly researches, cares for his wife who has health issues, plays music, writes and tends the garden all day. He told me he grows 10 months worth of his own potatoes and carrots ( I would later understand the video clip on my last blog and you will too), and cans and stores his own food in a root cellar. He is a man of veracious learning and love for living. He adores his wife and family and is passionate about contributing to the world.
What he has to say I not only believe because he has studied more studies on the subject than I could or would in a lifetime, (see his 43 page paper which is a mere section of his research results) but because I have met him and I could sense in my bones that this is a man who cares more about the future of our children and planet than himself. He is hacked daily and there has been a surveillance black box padlocked and chained to the pole out side his house. There are people who would like to stop him from sharing what he knows, but they will not succeed. He is committed to people knowing the truth and he has absolutely no reason to fabricate anything. He has no need for money or attention. He has everything he wants. He only wants health for his family and our planet. He is a man of facts and science.
What he has uncovered, and will continue to share, will impact the future of our entire nation and planet.
50% of our children will have Autism by 2025 at the rate we are currently going. Millions more will be sick with debilitating diseases and disorders. This is unbelievably outrageous. But it is not crazy. It makes absolute sense when you look at the past history and trend in connection with the levels of glyphosate in our food supply.We will be a nation crippled by convenient toxins with a generation of compromised adults if we do not listen, speak up and alter the course of our future. Our workforce, technology, economy and health care system could be compromised for the sake of greed.
Please watch and share this important interview with every Congress person, parent, nurse, doctor, health care provider, pre school director, food service director, or person who eats. It's up to us, we buy the food. Thank you.
His last words on this clip..."We are creating this..."
By feeding our children 31.5 million GMO school meals a DAY, even more hospital and senior center meals, by eating the 160 foods that are contaminated with glyphosate, click here for the list , by eating the 80% of our fast, cheap, easy and tasty food that is GMO and therefore heavily doused in glyphosate, and contaminated at levels thousands of times higher than what has been shown to cause breast cancer....we are creating this. Chips, soda,french fries, corn tortillas, candy, snacks, cookies, breakfast cereal...anything with corn, soy, sugar, wheat, high fructose corn syrup and hundreds more ingredients, are 80-90% likely to be contaminated with glyphosate and contributing to this disaster of a health crisis we are experiencing in America. To add insult to injury, the EPA just raised the allowable levels of glyphosate despite thousands of comments against this pandering to big chemical companies. They raised the levels of pesticides and herbicides in our food crops simply because big chemical companies ask them to. And we accept this...not on purpose...but when we don't speak up...when we don't demand otherwise and cause change...we allow this to...we are creating this too...
Is this really what we want to be creating?
Please take action today to create something create health and freedom in be informed, to have choice and to be healthy. Please host an event in your home town by adding it the the Moms Across America map today...a GMO Free Tea, or Potluck or GMO free Movie night... and share this information, share about GMOs ( which are doused in glyphosate) and the 160 non organic food crops. Because this is UNACCEPTABLE. Moms and supporters will not stand for this. We will stop this. But first we need everyone to know. We need numbers all across the country to rise up and share this with everyone they know. We need to be the ones to protect the future of America.
Please do whatever you can to create a new future. One that we Americans can be proud of and live to enjoy.
Thank you.
Zen Honeycutt
P.S. Part 2 of the Samsel interview here.
What is Roundup ( Glyphosate) Doing to Our Families? : New Study
"Glyphosate Exposure in a Farmer’s Family"
Journal of Environmental Protection, 2012, 3, 1001-1003 doi:10.4236/jep.2012.39115 Published Online September 2012 ( 1001
The following studies explain the health crisis in America. Really truly. This is it...all the searching for the cure is over. These studies show the cause. And as a mother, I am both outraged and relieved to finally know. Now we can do something about it. If there was ever a reason to eat organic and share information, this is it.
Glyphosate may not be a household word, but Roundup* is. You likely spray it on your weeds, or your neighbor does. Your children's school definitely does. Your city sprays it on your sidewalks and parks and the farmers who grow your food have been told it's the best thing since sliced bread to spray on the grounds surrounding almond trees, fruit trees, strawberries and almost every non-organic vegetable grown in America. Roundup is the most widely used pesticide in the world, 185 million pounds (1) are used in the USA alone each year and glyphosate is the active chemical ingredient.
Not only is it sprayed on the soil, the chemical is drawn into it root system and plant, it is also now being sprayed on the GMO plant in ever increasing doses and it is absorbed into every cell of the plant. It's called "Roundup Ready”. The problem is, that means it is in our food, potentially for 14 years plus, it cannot be washed off, and the food is not labeled.
Some of you may know this already...but what you may not know is that the impact of Glyphosate is equally as potentially harmful as Genetically Modified foods. In a peer reviewed published scientific study titled "Glyphosate Exposure in a Farmer's Family" published in the Journal of Environmental Protection. This has not been widely circulated in the USA however, Moms Across America just found out that glyphosate has been proven to harm humans more than anyone realized.
The family in the study lived 1.5 miles away from their fields that were sprayed with Roundup. The father would spray the fields, come home and wash his hands thoroughly, but not take a shower. Apparently he hugged his children, because the levels of glyphosate found in their urine were far above what has shown to be toxic in animals. The glyphosate level in the father's urine was 9.5 ppm and the children's was 2 ppm. It is scientifically documented that infertility is caused by glyphosate at .5 ppm and endocrine disruption (which causes birth defects) is caused by glyphosate at .2 ppm.
The farmer and his wife had two children with birth defects including imperforated anus, growth hormone deficiency, hypospadias (which is when the urethra of the male penis's opening is not at the end but under, and along the side instead), heart defect and micro penis.
We also have a brand new scientific study which connects glyphosate and numerous diseases which have skyrocketed in our Western culture since the introduction of GMOs to our food supply .
"Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases" states that glyphosate residues have been found primarily in corn, sugar, soy and wheat. Good God, that is practically in everything all of us eat!
"Consequences are most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet, which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. We explain the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease, and we show that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins."
This new 48 page published scientific study is extensive and complicated. I have to say as a mother I would much rather be playing play dough with my kids or even cleaning a crusty toilet than scouring through these scientific reports and trying to decipher sentences like "Elevated amounts of shikimate-derived benzoic acids such as protocatechuate and gallate are also found in plants exposed to glyphosate."
So without further ado, I post these studies for you to make sense of. All I know is that glyphosate = harm to my family. So Stop It People! Stop spraying it on my food, stop spraying it on my school playground and stop spraying it in the city parks. And tell your city council, your representative, your congressmen/women. Share this report with them and demand that we stop using this chemical. If for no other reason than to err on the side of safety. These are our families we are talking about.
You need someone to pull up weeds? They are called Boy Scouts who need community service projects. No harmful side effects from a Boy Scout.
Zen Honeycutt
Harm to Farmer’s Family Study page 1
Harm to Farmer’s Family Study page 2
Harm to Farmer’s Family Study page 3
Glyphosate/Modern Diseases Study page 1
Findings of Glyphosate/Modern Diseases Study page 29
Conclusion of Glyphosate/Modern Diseases Study page 30
For the full report ( which is 48 pages long and too big of a file for my site) go to
(1) from the latest 2007 report)
* Roundup is a registered trademark of Monsanto