Kennedy for Head of HHS Being in the DC Hearings - A Mom’s Perspective
I am sitting directly behind Cheryl Hines, Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s wife, and family. The moms, namely Vani Hari, her daughter, myself, Laura Bono, Megyn Kelly, and his sister Dr. Casey Means, had reserved seating for the camera shot. I feel deeply honored to represent all of our moms. The packed audience breaks out into applause when he enters the room. I am at the edge of my seat as Bobby begins to speak. He is clear, confident, humble, and gracious. In typical Bobby style, the first thing he does is acknowledge everyone. When he acknowledges “the MAHA Moms, many of which are sitting behind me today,” he says, I nearly cry. In those few words, I hear a symphony of acknowledgment.
Walk IN for Health Freedom
This week President Biden announced a federal mandate that will require employers with over 100 employees to require their workers to get the COVID vaccine, even though the clinical trials have yet to be completed. We find it outrageous that the members of Congress and their staff are exempt from the mandate while hardworking Americans now face losing their jobs or getting an experimental injection (although the FDA approved one vaccine, the trials will not be completed until between 2022-2024) regardless of their personal decision or individual genetic disposition.
At Moms Across America, most of us have children with chronic health issues. On that journey, many of us have had to go through extensive and expensive genetic testing to sort out the factors contributing to their issues.
If there is anything that we have learned about health, it is the following:
- Every person has a unique genetic disposition
- Many people, up to 50% (1 in 3 Chinese women, 1 in 4 Caucasians), have gene mutations like the MTHFR genes that can lead to impaired ability to detox toxins. And they cannot afford genetic testing
- The inability to detox toxins such as those found in food, polluted air and water, and vaccines can harm people
- Some of that harm can be lifelong or life-threatening
For these health reasons, and many other moral, religious, and ethical reasons, Moms Across America does not support mandating ANY medical procedure, especially ones that have already been shown to harm over 1.4 million people and are not effective in the transmission or contraction of a disease.
Many are considering a WALK-OUT Wednesday action, and it is important to stick together for personal health freedom.
If you have had enough of the mandates and government intrusion into our health decisions you can join also the #ENOUGH movement to connect with others who feel the same.
We also ask you to consider a WALK-IN.
Read moreFreedom from GMOs and Toxins Billboard Blitz

Press Release
Contact: Blair Fitzgibbon, 202-503-6141
June 22, 2016- Moms Across America announces another billboard blitz across America in time for Independence day. "Organic Food: FREEDOM from GMOs and Toxins." reads the patriotic red, white, and blue billboard series posted by Adams + Fairway Outdoor advertising.
Featuring a mother and baby of African heritage, running June 20 for 30 days, 99 billboards, 55 posters in 12 states, primarily in the south and midwest, are intended to raise awareness about the importance of organic for all.
"Unfortunately access to organic food is a socio-economic injustice issue," Honeycutt, the founder and director of Moms Across America states."In many lower income urban areas where the population tends to be primarily African American and Hispanic, organic food is almost no where to be found. This was not the case 40 years ago. Our grandmothers all served organic food."
Honeycutt and her organization stress that it is the right of all Americans to have the freedom to chose organic food and avoid GMOs and toxic chemicals. More than 85% of non organic food in America contains GMOs, which are genetically engineered to either be a pesticide or resist herbicides. This means that Americans are consuming more chemicals designed to kill life, cause neurotoxicity, hormone disruption, weaken the immune system, and be likely carcinogenic, than ever in recorded history. Moms Across America are fed up.
"Skyrocketing health issues affect our loved ones, teachers, elected officials, children and unborn. Rising health care costs also affect everyone. We must protect Americans!" says Honeycutt.
Over 650 lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto, the maker of the most widely used herbicide in the world, Roundup, a glyphosate based herbicide, for causing Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma in people who used their products in public and private spaces as a weedkiller. Unfortunately Roundup and over 700 different formulations of glyphosate based herbicides are sprayed directly on our food and feed crops, especially on GMO crops,soy, corn, sugar, and non GMO crops wheat, beans and grains, the staples of the American diet. The EPA allows glyphosate residue on 160 of USA food and feed crops at levels far above that which have been shown to destroy gut bacteria and weaken the immune system. Glyphosate does not dry, wash or cook off and it has been found in American children's urine, tap water, breast milk and a variety of popular American foods, including beer and wine.
In a recent meeting with the EPA, EPA staff confirmed that long term animal safety testing on the final formulation of Roundup has not been provided to the EPA , even after 40 years of the use of the product. Only tests on one chemical in the product, glyphosate, the declared "active ingredient" have been conducted, no tests on the entire chemical combination as it is sold in the stores are available. Independent studies show that the other ingredients in the formulation make the product 1000x more toxic, information which is being ignored.
This confirmation exposes a flaw in the EPA approval process which extends far beyond the one chemical glyphosate. Americans depend on our government and regulatory agencies to protect us and if they are failing to demand safety studies on the final formulation of thousands of products, this means that the chemical products as they sit on the shelves in hardware stores, and as they are sprayed on our food, have never been deemed safe, and to claim that they are is fraudulent.
Honeycutt adds, "America prides itself on freedom. Are we all truly free if we cannot access food without GMOs and toxic chemicals? Don't we have the right to expect that our food is safe? Don't all American have the right to happiness and health? We know we can do better. We ask all farmers to switch to organic and regenerative eco-agriculture practices and food manufacturers to insist on organic ingredients.
Many people argue that residents of lower income areas cannot afford organic, however Honeycutt interviewed Samantha, a support coach for lower income teen moms from the Healthy Babies Project in Washington DC and she said, "I teach moms that they can buy organic. I take them shopping to buy all non GMO and organic and for 100 dollars we can get a cart full of produce and food that will last the mother and baby for two weeks."
Moms Across America is a 501c3 non profit whose motto is "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids."
National Health Billboard Campaign
National Health Billboard Campaign Targeting Senate Ag and HELP Committee Home States
Launched by Moms Across America
April 22, 2016- On Earth Day, running through Mother’s Day, Moms Across America launched a national billboard campaign to promote the benefits of organic.
The billboards are now appearing in 191 locations in 35 cities/13 states nationwide from Earth Day through Mother’s Day 2016.*
Thanks to many supporters and the reach of Adams and Fairway Outdoor Advertising, Moms Across America is able to reach millions a day with a message that could alter the health of America.
Moms Across America director Zen Honeycutt stated, “1 out of 2 children in America have a chronic illness.“Our families get better when they eat organic” is a health solution not only for consumers, but for our earth. Studies show organic improves the health of farmers, the quality of the soil, water, plants and reduces climate change as well.”
She continued, “Our intention is to reach millions of American consumers and our policy makers. We targeted the capitals of the home states of the Senate Ag and HELP Committed members, who make the decisions about whether to subsidize organic or label GMOs. We want them to support health, safety and honest labeling.”
Since the inception of Moms Across America 3 years ago, Honeycutt and her organization have received hundreds of testimonials from their supporters sharing how grateful they are that they learned about GMOs and related pesticides, describing the health improvements in detail.
For example:
“I had an awesome team of doctors at the children’s hospital that could not figure out what was wrong with my daughter who was getting sick after nearly every meal. The Moms posting on Facebook that their children got better when they got off GMOs saved my daughter’s life. That day, I went out and bought organic food and she stopped throwing up.” – Jennifer Lawrenson
Moms Across America recognizes that not every child reacts in this way to GMO food, “It’s sort of like smoking, some have ill health effects, some do not. The difference is that smoking is a choice, eating is not.” Honeycutt points out that all American’s no matter what their income level, location or socio economic background is, should have access to organic food. Access is a problem, we need more organic farmers. Also, many people are not aware however that organic food has many health benefits, for instance, studies show organic food contains far less pesticides, is not genetically engineered (meaning foreign proteins) and has a higher nutritional content. Eating organic reduces toxic burden on the body, which unquestionably benefits health.
The billboards were timed to post the week of the National Organic Standards Board meeting being held in Washington DC April 24-27th, and through Earth Day to Mother’s Day. Honeycutt spoke in the preliminary NOSB webinar this week, addressing the widespread contamination of organic by chemicals like glyphosate in Roundup and asked the NOSB to take action to protect organic farmer’s profit. She requested that the NOSB regulate, file lawsuits and work in conjunction with other organic standards group to hold the parties contaminating organic responsible.
The non profit organization’s main focus is educating the public about GMOs, related toxic chemicals and solutions.
“Our country is in a health crisis and we need to share solutions.We understand that many may question whether it is organic food which leads to health improvements or if there are other factors involved. I understand the skepticism. No one wants to pay more money for something without good reason, including myself. My response is to try it yourself. As much as you can afford, buy organic, in bulk and as local as much as possible for 2 weeks and cook at home. Note how you feel, many report tremendous health improvements.”
*The billboards are posted for 30 days at:
191 locations in 35 cities in 13 states reaching millions each day
- Rochester MN
- Atlanta GA
- Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte, Lake Norman,Grenesboro, Greeneville, Charleston SC
- Chattanooga TN
- Wichita Falls, Texarkana AR-TX, Sherman, Denison TX
- Chippewa, Monroe, Winona County, LaCrosse, Eau Claire, Kenosha WI
- Peoria, Bloomington, Penkin, Manito, Champaign IL
- Ann Arbor, Lansing, Detroit MI
- Norfolk,VA
- North Hampton, Lehigh, Camden, Wilmington, Philadelphia PA
Blair Fitzgibbon, Publicist
Zen Honeycutt, Exec.Director Moms Across America
Erica Line, Adams and Fairway Billboards