Our Sick Children are Collateral Damage in War for Power
Watch Dr. Pang at 8:18 speak about one of the reasons why the government wants the USA and other countries to have genetically modified foods.
Just in case you cannot view it, what is shown is Dr. Pang from Hawaii describing a few ways in which the government is trying to stop us from talking about or stopping the spread of GMOs. They may to pre-empt our right to know with several arguments. One could be that it is a "Homeland Security Issue."
In other words, a national security issue. Dr. Pang describes how, in Hawaii, after 911 they had several homeland security talks and some Homeland Security men visited them from Texas, to talk about food security. There was "one guy who looked like Dick Cheney" he said, "that I spoke to and he said," "Mono crops, GMOs, are the most dangerous thing of all." and Dr. Pang, asked lightly "Can I quote you?"
The Homeland Security representattive said "Oh yeah, mono crops are very dangerous, when the crops get wiped out, you get wiped OUT."
So Dr.Pang asked, "You'll speak against them, here on the islands?"
He said, "You don't understand...we want the enemy to have it, Iran and China, so you never have to invade them, you just say "I'll turn off your seed...or your seed is going to expire in 3 years."
So Dr. Pang asked "But then why do we have it?"
The Homeland Security man said,"We kinda have to have it so we can show them, and they will think it's ok for them to have it."
As an American I am outraged.
Our American farmers get wiped out from GMO mono crop problems with increasingly resistent weeds and pests. For example, the entire orange industry in Florida right now is plagued. They are genetically engineering the orange trees with pig genes to "protect" them from the problem. (I wonder how our Jewish, Hindu and Muslim Americans feel about that?)The entire orange industry is being told that they are now dependant on one company for GE seeds when they used to have a thriving industry for generations before. (The truth is the issue can be resolved with Bio Dynamic farming some are actually doing that.)
As a mother I am horrified.
Our children are collateral damage in a war for world power.
The health implications of GMO foreign proteins and glyphosate sprayed food are overwhelemingly increasing. The 400%-1500% increase in childhood illness such as allergies, autism, asthma, auto immune disorders and the number one killer of American children now, cancer, have all been linked to GMOs and glyphosate (sprayed on GMOs and does not wash off). An yet this is acceptable for the government because we "need" world power.
As a human being I am unstoppable in my stand for health and freedom.
Our human population is being experiemented on for the wealth and power of the elite few. Now the concept is nothing new, world leaders have always been vying for world power and the little people have always been collateral damage. There is an acceptable level of collateral damage.
But what is new about this global movement is that they are controlling the USA media to stop us to find out about this and they are putting this dangerous crop in 80% of our food. It's not just a few. We are being experimented on in a national nd global scale and the top scientists and government officials have all been brainwashed to think that these crops are safe under the guise of national security. Our children's health, and our country's future is being impacted and yet this is acceptable for national security?
How do GMOs make US secure?
These GMO crops are engineered to withstand Roundup (glyphosate) and are heavily sprayed with this chemical which has been shown to break down the blood-brain barrier and allow toxins into the brain ( which is what impacts children with autism). 1 out of 2 of our children will have Autism at the rate we are going in the next 20 years. That is 50%. HALF our kids or grandkids. And thats's Homeland Security?
These GMO foods have promoters which "turn on genes" and could very likely be "turning on" latent cancer or lukemia genes in our children. Cancer is now the number one killer of our American children. And that's Homeland Security?
These GMO crops, fed to pigs have shown an increase in miscarriages, birth defects and the same gut issues which are present in babies who die from SIDS. 46-54% of our baby formula is made of GMO soy. Our American couples now have a 30% failure to conceive rate, the lowest ever in history. And that's Homelend Security?
GMO crops like sugar beets are sprayed with glyphosate which has also been linked to destroying our gut bacteria. Our gut is the only place where Tryptophan can be made in our bodies. Without Tryptophan our bodies cannot produce Seratonin, without Seratinin our bodies cannot regulate blood sugar. Diabetes is the result of unbalanced insulin and now costs our nation helath budget 279 billion. Compared to all of Medicare, which costs us 514 billion, diabetes is taking over our national budget. At this rate we will have no healthcare system money left in 13 years. None. Not for cancer, Alzheimer's, preventative health, pregnancies, none. Diabetes wil have eaten up all the money. And that's Homeland Security?
These GMO crops are mono culture, wiping out our small farmers, over 17,500 farms in the past five years and 690 acres a day in Colorado are lost to mono culture. These crops increase the profit for the top CEOs but not for our working class. They are heavily sprayed with toxic chemicals and heavily controlled by Big Ag and Big Banks. When the pests and weeds develope resistence to the chemical sprays they spray more chemicals, like 2,4-D which was in Agent Orange and caused birth defects in 500,000 babies in Vietnam and killed 400,000 people. And they want to spray that on our American food? That's Homeland Security?
This mother does not feel safe with the staus quo. This is not secure.
I realize that I may be targeted, as many others have, for speaking out seemingly against my government, but I want to be clear that I am speaking up our FOR OUR PEOPLE, for our American children and for all the children all over the world if their countries accept these crops. I do not want the world they are creating where one corporation can turn on or off a country's access to seed and food. I do not want that for children in any country.
I am speaking out FOR OUR FUTURE. Besides being dangerous, these GMO crops DO NOT WORK.
Our farmers have grown crops and fed people around the globe for thousands of years. We owe our existence to their ingenuity and hard work. Yet in the past 20 years, all of a sudden they and we are being told we, as a human race, "cannot survive withut GMO seed". That's a lie. We can.
I have FAITH in our FARMERS.
I ask all famers to grow non-GMO seed this coming season and get out of the mono culture GMO trap.
As a farmer, BE as STAND for our own Homeland Security. In fact, YOU ARE our Homeland Security.
We have faith in you. Please protect our American culture, our families, children and economy.
And if you need a job, be an organic or bio dynamic farmer. Be the one to secure America's future.
Thank you.
Zen Honeycutt
The Bold and Mighty Few
31 Million GMO meals are served each day to our children in public schools, paid for by government subsidies.
GMO foreign proteins, and the pesticides and herbicides that are sprayed on these foods (and on 160 other non organic foods' soil) are being fed to our children without safety testing, without labels and without conclusive proof that they are not linked to the skyrocketing rise of our children's health issues. 1 out of 3 of our children now have autism, allergies, asthma or auto immune disorders. 1 out of 2 children who are obese or have diabetes also have one of these additional A's. Scientist, doctors and farmers have linked these GMOs and chemicals to our children's health issues (plus miscarriage, infertility and birth defects) in rats, pigs and most likely in humans in studies and papers ( see our blog for Samsel interviews or "Proof of GMO Harm" article).
What are we going to do about this?
A small but mighty band said ..."We are going to take on the food in the California schools. WE are going to do something about this." Three MAA supporters went to the California School Nutrition Conference, where 1000 food directors and school officials go to decide which food will be served to our children next year. Three people said NOW is the time for our food directors to find out about GMOs and the possible health impact on our children. This is their story.
"It was beautiful weather in Palm Springs. Driving out there, it was raining, hard at times, all through Moreno Valley, Beaumont, and Banning. And I was thinking this was not a good sign. But once I got to Cabazon, the sky cleared, and it was GORGEOUS!!!!!
It was fun gathering at the Forever Marilyn statue. Not to be missed if you get out to Palm Springs (it's there only temporarily I was told). We were a band of THREE for today - small but mighty (Mike H., Don David Y., and me). We took photos with our "Moms Across America" banner (hand-painted by Sharon K.) in front of the Marilyn Monroe statue.
Then we headed over to the convention center and we handed out flyers, and put them under windshield wipers for cars on the public street. Standing on the corner of a parking lot across the street from the convention center, we handed a lot of flyers directly to people. A few even stopped to chat and ask questions.
One of the vendors I talked to told me this convention will be in Sacramento next year (not so handily close). We need to look at getting a booth, and maybe offering to be speakers for a panel explaining GMO foods.
I met Kevin Stong of "Tofu Yu". He told me he was one of only 5 vendors there with non-GMO foods. He sources non-GMO soy for his tofu. If you'd like to connect with him, his email is: [email protected] and the website is www.tofuyu.com
Another vendor I talked to also provides to Whole Foods. They are working on becoming non-GMO (didn't get their business name, sorry).
Mike took the flyers we had left over (a stack of about 3 inches high) and was going to return tomorrow morning to finish handing them out.
Thanks to Mike and Don David for their help today. Overall, I think we did some good (hopefully some people will actually read the flyers). And I got in a good walk in gorgeous weather. Afterwards, Mike and I ate lunch at Palm Green Cafe, the only organic restaurant (according to Mike) in Palm Springs. Very good food, and quite reasonable. I really enjoyed the lavender lemonade and salmon tacos I had.
These three wonderful people reached THE 1000 people who decide the food in our schools with clear GMO info and Mom testimonials how their kids got better when they got off GMOs. This is huge. We will never know the results or reach of their generosity and commitment. We will never know which children will be impacted and how many people will begin to reconsider not only the food they serve their own families, but in the cafeteria to hundreds as well. We will never know if this will be the catalyst for change or just one more step in the direction for change down the road.
But we DO know that there are caring, generous people out there who will drive through rain, stand for hours and reach out to complete strangers because they care about health and freedom in America. This moves me to tears. I can't thank you enough Christine, Mike and Don.
Take a look at the book "David and Goliath" by Malcolm Gladwell. There are advantages to being the few, the "small" or the "disadvantaged." In this case, the advantage is that we can reach many with only a few. And the benefit is that we connect with amazingly kind and commited people. Our faith is renewed in America and we make a difference with uncountable thousands. All because we care.
I know we "lost" WA last week. But I say our movement is winning.
Zen Honeycutt
P.S. We will be acknowledging the WIN by Kauai in another blog- who's City Council overturned the Veto by their nincompoop Mayor and passed the GMO/Pesticide bill for their island. YES!!!!! Another great win by a small group of people with a mighty love for their people. Thank you ALL.
P.P.S PLEASE look up the School Nutrition Conferences in YOUR state today and get your flyers to pass out from www.momsacrossamerica.com/products. You can download or purchase ( probably cheaper because we print large quantities) We have a new one just for schools.
CDC Response to Inquiry
As a Mom, I feel deeply betrayed by our government and our governmental health groups which are supposed to be protecting us. Rather than just be angry, in light of the recent papers connecting glyphosate ( in RoundUp, sprayed on GMOs) and numerous skyrocketing health conditions, I decided to ask the CDC if they are in fact, looking into this alarming connection. 5 billion pounds of RoundUp is being used per year on our parks, gardens, soil and food. Diseases caused in connection to this chemical cocktail would certainly be a national health issue.
But the response from the CDC shows once again that the biggest problem we face is not just one particular corporation, but the overwhelming lack of integrity, responsibility and accountability in our entire system. We Moms and supporters MUST speak up, we must protect our families and we must not stop holding them to account for their responsibilities. Please see my inquiry and their answer below and then please sign our petition! Thank you.
Moms Across America Founder's Inquiry to CDC
To :[email protected]
Date :2013-09-04 15:39:49
Subject :CDC-INFO: Inquiry
Subject: Glyphosate ( RoundUp), GMOs and connection to Autism, Allergies, Autoimmune +
From: Educator
Email Address: [email protected]
Your Question: Has the CDC investigated a possible correlation between glyphosate ( Roundup) and genetically modified foods with autism, allergies, asthma, auto immune disorderes, alzheimers, Chron's disease, Parkinsons, IBS, bi polar, obesity and diabetes?
Or at least Autism? 1 out of 3 of our children now have asthma, allergies ( which can lead to stomach ulceritis and cancer) , auto immune disorders or autism. 1 out of 2 are now overweight or obese with 52% of those that are hispanic or african american having one of the four A's just mentioned in addition to being obese.
Most horrifying is that 1 out of 2 of our children are expected to have autism in the next 20 years at the rate we are going. This is an epidemic. This is urgent. This an emergency for an entire generation of children.
Scientific paper by Samsel and Seneff points to a direct correlation between glyphosate (sprayed on GMOs and consumed in 80% of our foods) and all of the skyrocketing diseases and illnesses above, especially autism. Please see http://www.momsacrossamerica.com/needless_tragedy_for_autistic_child.
Moms Across America has over 350 testimonials from Moms and over 1 million supporters a month who say that their kids get better when they get off GMOs and eat organic ( no glyphosate). Please heed this warning of a national crisis. We moms know that scientist SAY GMOs and glyphosate are safe, but we also know that Moms are SEEING that their kids health improve when they avoid them That is science enough for us. Please respond with a statement: Is the CDC investigating whether or not there is possible harm from GMOs and glyphosate? Is theCDC willing to mandate glyphosate testing in the urine or blood of people with various illness or support a study? In the meantime is the CDC willing to advise that precaution should be taken regarding the consumption of herbicide Glyphosate and GMOs?
Thank you for your statement.
Moms Across America appreciate your partnership in protecting Americans.
Zen Honeycutt
Contact: ZEN L HONEYCUTT, founder, Moms Across America
RESPONSE: October 23, 2013
Dear Ms. Honeycutt:
Thank you for your inquiry to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We sincerely apologize for the delay in responding.
Glyphosate is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the United States. The pathway upon which glyphosate acts is specific to plants and some microorganisms.
Several studies investigating the chronic toxicity potential of glyphosate in humans and mammals have been performed. Research on glyphosate and its main breakdown product has not revealed any definitive evidence of adverse endocrine-related effects in humans or other mammals. Glyphosate has been studied to evaluate its potential to induce cancer formation and has not been found to be a cancer causing chemical. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not consider glyphosate to be a human carcinogen. Some questionnaire based studies of farm workers exposed to glyphosate suggest there is a possible correlation between glyphosate exposure and late term miscarriage in pregnant workers, however, this is not definitive.
CDC is not currently investigating any link between genetically modified foods and glyphosate exposure and the development of the listed diseases including autism, obesity, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, bipolar disorder, and diabetes. The above disorders have other associated risk factors which can contribute to the development of that particular health issue. Due to the multiple known risk factors for development of these diseases, it would be very difficult to create a study that could isolate and characterize glyphosate’s specific contribution—if any—to the development of any of these diseases.
CDC does suggest that people wash foods such as fruits and vegetables prior to eating (http://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/prevention.html).
The CDC is not a regulatory agency, but rather a research focused agency and does not have the power to regulate any substance. CDC cannot mandate chemical testing on people. At this time, we know of no CDC-planned studies looking at GMOs, glyphosate exposure and any of the aforementioned health conditions including autism. The EPA is responsible for regulating pesticides and a link to their information on glyphosate can be found here (http://www.epa.gov/safewater/pdfs/factsheets/soc/tech/glyphosa.pdf).
We hope this information is helpful to you.
Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects
National Center for Environmental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
See scientist Anthony Samsel discuss the paper he and Dr. Stephanie Seneff wrote and the devastating effects of glyphosate on our human health. Why isn't the CDC investigating this? What are we going to do about this?
Thank You Everyone!
THANK YOU to the over 3500 people who signed up to march in 44 states and 177 parades on July 4th!
Thank you to all who donated! Every penny went towards empowering millions to educate themselves about GMOs, get them labeled and offer GMO free solutions!
Thank you to our sponsors who made the GMO info flyers, banners, stickers, buttons and decals possible at a great rate!
Thank you to our supporters, from graphics, website, data entry, PR support, getting the word out and supporting Moms.
THANK YOU. You truly are what makes America GREAT!
Here are the awesome sponsors and supporters that we hope you will support as well. They rock.
The CA Guild and President Bob McFarland
LabelGMO's and Pamm Larry
3rd Generation Farmer Howard Vlieger for the DVD talk.
Robyn O'Brien
Neil's Yard Remedies Organic
Organic Valley
Nature's Path
Jeffrey M. Smith and Institute for Responsible Technology and Laurie Cohen Peters
Organic Consumer Association
Green America/GMOinside
NON GMO Project
Vandana Shiva
And Special Thanks to ProImageSigns.com Fountain Valley for the great car decal. Meghan Thomas for website, Dorothy Winchester for data entry, Shel Spaulding-Moore and Kimberly Capwell for PR. Lauren Weinstein Intern extraordinaire, Scott and Barbara at Magnum Screen Prints, Pennworthy and Associates for the promo materials, Mike Reinmann for the Howard Vliger DVD, OMG.com for future partnership, our husbands and family for your patience, Landmark for the empowerment, and of course, Moms, for your love.
Other Non GMO Companies we hope you support.
Moms Survey
Tools for Talking About GMOs
Ever feel like we are in a twilight zone? The whole GMO food debacle has my head reeling this week. If I didn't have this march to plan, I might be joining the ranks of the activist pulling up fields in Europe. I am mad. I am more than mad, I am livid. To top off the confirmation of outrageous toxicity in our food, someone hacked my MAAM Facebook site this week. They know we are finding out and sharing about GMOs and they see that Moms are a threat to the way they do business. Good.
The past two weeks have been a tidal wave of GMO info, movie showing and people all across America taking action and posting important articles, videos and reports. There is no doubt in my mind that GMOs are nutritionally bankrupt and toxic.The response is inspiring however, even my hometown in CT of 2000 people had a Genetic Roulette showing this week! Despite the anger I feel from the injustice that has been foisted on the American people, I am delighted and encouraged by America's stand for our health, our children and our communities. These articles, videos, interviews and facts help us to speak clearly and confidently about GMOs
If you want to be clear about the health risks of GMOs, take a look at the following articles and videos.
I find the easiest way to introduce your friends and family to this information is to talk to them and show them
1. Elizabeth Doughtery's Interview of Dr. Huber
America's GMO Movie Night March 30
If you are reading this you probably already know about GMOs, but you also probably have a lot of friends or family who either don't or seem like they don't want to. What if we shared with them in a FUN way and have GMO Movie Nights across America on Saturday night, March 30, in two weeks, with GMO Free snacks in the comfort of your own home?
Here's the thing. It's not up to someone else. They are not going to find out about GMOs from their grocery store, mainstream TV news or doctor. Those channels are all too heavily influenced by the drugs companies like Bayer, Astra Senca Syngenta and Phizer Pharmaceutical Upjohn ( parent company of Monsanto) which ALL make chemicals, herbicides and pesticides. Those very profitable chemicals are sprayed on our food that our livestock and we eat, and if we get sick they also make the very profitable drugs which they sell to "make us better" in our grocery stores, to our doctors and on TV ads in between Big Bang Theroy and the Nightly News. Almost no one from those channels are going to tell your friends about the health risks of GMOs. The few who have tried, for instance, two reporters from Fox News, were fired. ( see my Moms Across America You Tube Channel)
So it's up to us to share with them. And it's not hard. All it takes is sending out an email, or if you want to get fancy, an evite. If you really want it to be successful, call your friends. Say or write "I am inviting you to share a very special and important evening together. Please come and view a movie with me about food and health. This is the most important thing you can do."
Have ten people to your home and just show Robyn O'Brien's 18 minute Ted Talk " Patriotism on a Plate" if you just want to get their feet wet. Show the ten minute version of Genetic Roulette on YouTube if they want more. Or to go for the whole enchilada, show the full version of Genetic Roulette available at www.geneticroulette.com. When you have just 10 people over and show them this movie, they will get it. They will also be compelled to share with their family and friends. If they only share with 5 people and those 5 only share with 5 and all of those 5 only share with 5 people...you will be personally responsible for informing 1270 people about GMO's in your town!!! Most likely hundreds or thousands more!
Imagine if all across America we have GMO Movie night on Saturday March 30 and hundreds of thousands of people find out about GMOs?
Why March 30? It's two weeks away. Just enough time to invite people and have it be soon enough so that the time is now. You know what happens when we procrastinate...it just doesn't happen. It is also Easter weekend and alot of you will be with your family. Bring the movie, let them know "Hey Saturday night let's all get together and watch this movie about health that I have. I love you guys and it's really important that we watch this together." If they don't want to watch a whole movie , show Robyn O'Briens 18 minute version on YouTube. Insist on it in a loving way.
Also, I am hesitant to even say this, but honestly, my own personal side note is, its my birthday. There is nothing I want more than for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to find out about GMOs. A lot of people have sent me emails and thanked me for what I am doing to organize a national event to raise awareness about GMOs and get them labeled. Totally not necessary, but appreciated. The thing is, I am compelled, I will do this no matter what. But... you could thank me and express your support for this movement by hosting a movie night! YOU can do this! You can love on your family by hosting a movie night! You can form closer bonds with your friends by hosting a movie night! It really is fun.
I had a GMO Free Potluck Party and showed Robyn O'Briens video and Genetic Roulette ten minute version to 30 people. Everyone brought some food and met new people...you know that awesome feeling you have when your friend from forever meets your new friend and they hit it off like gang busters? It's just that all night long. People left with a whole new view, shocked but also inspired and empowered. Most importantly, they felt connected with people.
It really is easy. Buy some organic and NON GMO verified snacks, like Kettle Chips, Annie's organic bunnies, Cadia organic salsa, have a bowl of organic fruit out, serve some drinks without high fructose corn syrup, like Hansen's and keep all the packaging out so they can see where you got them.
Now, what you might be thinking is that people are going to think you are some weird radical activist. That it's not normal to have people over to watch a movie over about food or "issues". You are right it's not normal. But what is happening with our food is radical. We have a foreign protein in 70% of our food and most people don't know about it. If you can set aside your concern for what people are going to think about you and focus on your commitment to them, like..that they are healthy and that they are informed to make their own choice, if you come from that, than nothing you can say or do is weird. Inviting people over to watch a movie about health and food is one of the most loving things you can do. Most people see food as love. So have a conversation about food and love. The time is now. It doesn't matter what your house looks like or if you have a lot of snacks. They will be so moved, touched and inspired by what you show them that nothing else will matter except the love you share.
Will you host a GMO Movie night on March 30?
Send out an email or evite today!!! Comment Yes Below!
Thank you!
Zen Honeycutt
Mom Apologizes to Kids About GMOs
Dear Boys,
You may not understand all of this now, at 10, 7 and 4, but someday you will. Someday, you will know that I fed you genetically modified food for 9 and a half years, and you will wonder why. You will wonder how someone could do that to their children. You may wonder why I didn't know. You may wonder why I wasn't more vigilant to find out. You may wonder why I didn't take you to the doctors more often or sooner and find out why you had so many allergies. You may wonder why you felt so tired, distracted and felt out of control cranky, why you had to go to school with a rash around your mouth and feel embarrassed for weeks. You may wonder why you thought something was wrong with you.You may wonder why I just gave up and basically said " You have allergies and that's the way it is. Deal with it."
You may think that my lack of action around your allergies and interest in what we were eating was some sort of sign that I didn't love you. I am sorry. I am so so so sorry that I did not wonder more myself.
I got resigned. I got doubtful. And I was in denial that there was anything I could do about it. It was just easier to believe that I was doing a good job and your allergies ( to wheat/gluten, nuts, peanuts, eggs, dairy, mushrooms, red food dye and carageenan) were genetic somehow, because I have mold allergies. I justified everything...it's okay if you have a "treat" at your friends house, it's okay if you "enjoy" the birthday party and have the cake and soda. It's okay if you drink or eat food with milk in it ( with RBGH hormones) because I had no idea what that was and "Milk does a body good". I really did think I was feeding you the way I did and loving you by "letting you" eat the sweet, colorful, enticingly crunchy, treats or fast food. I really did think we could trust what was on the shelves and it was our right as Americans to have easy, plentiful, tasty food available to us in two minutes at a drive through. I got cranky when it wasn't. Little did I know that it was the food that was making me cranky and my expectations were blinded by corporate greed brainwashing. I didn't know...and I am sorry for not finding out.
You may wonder, someday, how a whole generation could allow genetically modified foods into our supply unlabeled, and without media notice, when over 50 other countries labeled or banned GMOs when they were introduced. You may wonder why we not only didn't get them tested first, but we funded these toxic crops with billions of our own tax money. You may wonder how we could let organic food get contaminated by GM crops and then let those organic farmers get sued. You may wonder why your mother didn't do anything about such injustice.
Once studies did emerge, you may wonder how we could ignore test results from a 2 year rat study that grew tumors, had 55% of their babies die that were fed GM soy ( versus 6 and 9% of control groups fed no soy and non gmo soy) and those that did survive were smaller and sterile by the third generation. You may wonder how we could go one more day without labeling and banning these foods.You may wonder how we could be so careless and stupid. On behalf of the American people of this generation, on behalf of Moms everywhere, I apologize. With a my whole heart I am so sorry.
Our system is broken, and we, with our endless desire for easy, cheap , fast and tasty, are the ones who broke it. We forgot to value whole, fresh vegetables and fruits. We forgot that home cooking brings families together at home instead of getting the family out and about and busy. We forgot that food costs money to seed,plant, grow, harvest and transport and that our budget should reflect food as preventative health care. We forgot that we have a responsibility to budget, plan, and just buy less junk like electronics and food with toys and more real food like kale.They made it, yes, but we bought it. We forgot that we need to know what is in our food and that we need to speak up and demand truth and health.
So my sons, I write this to you not as an explanation, to defend my laziness, ignorance and blind trust in a broken system, but to let you know that I know NOW. In the late summer of 2012, my life, and the future of your life, altered when I found out about genetically modified foods. And now I have different non-apology for you.
I am not sorry that you will not be eating that birthday cake filled with GMO corn oil frosting and soy lecithin and GM ingredients. ( I will bring non GM cupcakes)
I am not sorry that you will not be eating GM lunches at school. ( I will pack them.)
I am not sorry that you will be bringing all your own food to Cub Scouts and friend's houses. ( I will give you snacks)
And I am not sorry that we will be at rallies to speak up against GMO Salmon and marching on July 4th.
You may feel sorry now, when I say no. But my No means YES. YES for life. Yes for health. YES for this vast, unending love I have for you that fills my soul and overflows into this world that we can create together... that values first...HEALTH not money, PEOPLE and PLANET, not profit. I will give up that "it's hard" and take on that I "get to" be your Mom and provide you with healthy food.
The future belongs to us. The future of food belongs to all of us. As a Mom, I know now that 85% of the food is bought by Moms, so 85% of the responsibility is on us. It is up to us to fix this.
As a respresentative of many Moms, we say, " We're NOT Buying it!" We are not buying GMO food. We are not buying the lies of safety. We are not buying the stories about feeding billions. Because we see the one or three children, that are worth more to us than billions of dollars, RIGHT IN FRONT OF US, get worse on GMO food and drastically improve when they are not eating them.
I am sorry for you, Monsanto and FDA, but the jig is up. Moms are finding out everyday. You may have the money, but we have the golden gift of gab and hearts that are bigger than your wallets. Ignoring that GMO food doesn't work for humans or our planet, no longer works. Find another way.
Boys, I love you. I always did and I always will. Forgive me for the past. Let's create a healthy future together.
Zen Honeycutt
Organizer of Moms Across America March July 4th 2013
How Do I Talk to People About GMOs?
The other day, my friend said that she has a friend who eats everything off the shelf from a regular grocery store, loaded with GMOs and she just doesn't know how to talk to her about it. Her voice was sad and laced with anxiety. She thinks her friend would be really resistant and wouldn't want to hear anything bad. She's a super busy Mom and just doesn't want one more problem to think about it. I could hear that my friend didn't want to upset her or cause a rift in the friendship.
Ohhhhhh....I could feel her struggle. I have shared about GMOs with thousands of people, but still have a hard time with a few people, when I am concerned about what they think and hurting the relationship. I got a bit confronted when she asked me to blog about what to say to people and yet , I appreciate the request so much because it really does make me think. How have I done it? How do I do it?
Here are a few tips:
1) Give up that they are doing anything wrong.
I really mean this one. We need to shift our thinking. This is not always easy to do. But think about it, before you knew about GMOs, were you doing anything WRONG when you fed your kids the food your were feeding them? No. You were doing what worked for you. And you didn't want anyone to tell you what to do. If you approach them like they are doing anything wrong, it's game over.
2) Be Curious.
Listen to them, ask them questions about how they are dealing with things. When they feel gotten, they will be much more receptive to listening to you. People who just start telling people what to do are annoying. People who listen are cool and safe to share with and we care about what they think. Ask them if they have heard of GMOs and what do they think.
3) Don't try to fix. Just Share.
Get rid of "You should try..." and replace it with " I really didn't want to even think about this at first, or know anything about it, but I found out about Genetically modified foods and I tried...." Share about you, not them. And keep it short.
4) Be Authentic. Don't be Rah Rah.
I am a very optimistic person and have the passion of ten people sometimes. But no one wants a cheerleader to be shouting and bouncing around about something they don't even want to do. Just be authentic. "Changing the way I thought about food really sucked at first. I cried for a day. I was pissed off for three. I still am sometimes. Sometimes I hate these chemical companies and I think about taking a blow torch to the cereal aisle. But this is about the health of my kids...and the truth is I will do anything for them...and if it means switching to buy different brands, even if it takes a little longer or costs a little more, I will do that. I want them to be healthy and be able to have their own kids someday. "
People get that...or whatever is there for you in your heart, for real. When you get present to how much you love your kids, they will too. Nothing is too hard when you are present to that love. Love is unstoppable.
5) Give them support.
Give them a NON GMO shopping guide. Send them an email with a few easy tips. Share a video with them. And then keep listening.Here are some tips:
1. Replace corn/canola oil with Grapeseed oil ( no taste, good at high heat) and only use 100% Olive Oil or they could sneak GMO canola in it.
2. Only eat organic fruits, veges and meats if at all possible. Especially only eat corn or soy/Tofu if it's organic. Replace soy sauce with Bragg's.
3. Buy all breakfast cereals, crackers, corn tortillas and snacks organic or NON GMO Project Verified. Nature's Path has great cereals.
4. Buy products with CANE sugar, not Sugar from Sugar beets. This is the hardest one for me. I confess I am not 100% here.
6.Email them short videos
Genetic roulette 10 min version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB5EBFUwaw0
Robyn O'Brien "Patriotism on a Plate" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6WpMM1FR8g
"It's about progress, not perfection" says Robyn O'Brien. Be their partner, not their preacher. We are all in this together. The best thing about it is that we are all in this together and the bonds we can grow by Giving Up That There Is Anything Wrong, Being Curious, Being Authentic, and Giving Support, will make you so glad you stepped out side of your comfort zone and shared something that matters to you...and even if they don't know it now....to them too.
Zen Honeycutt