Glyphosate Test Results in Major Chocolate Brands
Hershey’s Chocolate Found to have 4X Higher Levels of Glyphosate than YouTuber, MrBeast’s Chocolate
Two months ago, the second most popular YouTube creator in America, a 23-year-old known as MrBeast, launched a line of chocolates with a Willy Wonka-style golden ticket in the wrapper. The lucky ticket holder will win one million dollars. After ten years of making videos, MrBeast has close to 100 million followers. His fans are primary teens and early twenty-something who flock to his channel to see his latest antics, primarily consisting of giving away money and challenging himself and his fans. He is a humorous young man with what many teens call “a good heart,” doing things like funding the planting of trees, paying people’s rent, and giving money and cars away. His choice to make two out of four of the ingredients for his chocolates organic was a welcome surprise that we at Moms Across America applaud. Sixteen-year-old Bodee Honeycutt brought this line of chocolate to our attention, saying, “We should test MrBeast's chocolate for glyphosate to show that using organic ingredients is better.”
The True Savings of Organic Food
An Account of Our Research Process and Findings
By Irene Fearnley and the Moms Across America Team
It’s no secret that cooking meals at home are more cost-effective than going out to eat. But what if you want to eat 100% organic, isn't that more expensive?
In our new research, we show that it is still more cost-effective even if the ingredients are 100% organic. In addition to helping your wallet, cooking meals at home also has the potential for significant health benefits; since you yourself are in control of the products and ingredients you buy, it is easier to make eating organic, non-GMO whole foods a priority. When it comes to eating your meals outside the home, you may be inundated with unhealthy and non-sustainably grown options like the fare offered at fast-food chains. Even at other restaurants, you can never be too sure about the types of ingredients being used and where they are sourced from. To put it plainly, when you decide to cook from home you are making the decision that is truly best for your health and that of your family.
Read moreFreedom from GMOs and Toxins Billboard Blitz

Press Release
Contact: Blair Fitzgibbon, 202-503-6141
June 22, 2016- Moms Across America announces another billboard blitz across America in time for Independence day. "Organic Food: FREEDOM from GMOs and Toxins." reads the patriotic red, white, and blue billboard series posted by Adams + Fairway Outdoor advertising.
Featuring a mother and baby of African heritage, running June 20 for 30 days, 99 billboards, 55 posters in 12 states, primarily in the south and midwest, are intended to raise awareness about the importance of organic for all.
"Unfortunately access to organic food is a socio-economic injustice issue," Honeycutt, the founder and director of Moms Across America states."In many lower income urban areas where the population tends to be primarily African American and Hispanic, organic food is almost no where to be found. This was not the case 40 years ago. Our grandmothers all served organic food."
Honeycutt and her organization stress that it is the right of all Americans to have the freedom to chose organic food and avoid GMOs and toxic chemicals. More than 85% of non organic food in America contains GMOs, which are genetically engineered to either be a pesticide or resist herbicides. This means that Americans are consuming more chemicals designed to kill life, cause neurotoxicity, hormone disruption, weaken the immune system, and be likely carcinogenic, than ever in recorded history. Moms Across America are fed up.
"Skyrocketing health issues affect our loved ones, teachers, elected officials, children and unborn. Rising health care costs also affect everyone. We must protect Americans!" says Honeycutt.
Over 650 lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto, the maker of the most widely used herbicide in the world, Roundup, a glyphosate based herbicide, for causing Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma in people who used their products in public and private spaces as a weedkiller. Unfortunately Roundup and over 700 different formulations of glyphosate based herbicides are sprayed directly on our food and feed crops, especially on GMO crops,soy, corn, sugar, and non GMO crops wheat, beans and grains, the staples of the American diet. The EPA allows glyphosate residue on 160 of USA food and feed crops at levels far above that which have been shown to destroy gut bacteria and weaken the immune system. Glyphosate does not dry, wash or cook off and it has been found in American children's urine, tap water, breast milk and a variety of popular American foods, including beer and wine.
In a recent meeting with the EPA, EPA staff confirmed that long term animal safety testing on the final formulation of Roundup has not been provided to the EPA , even after 40 years of the use of the product. Only tests on one chemical in the product, glyphosate, the declared "active ingredient" have been conducted, no tests on the entire chemical combination as it is sold in the stores are available. Independent studies show that the other ingredients in the formulation make the product 1000x more toxic, information which is being ignored.
This confirmation exposes a flaw in the EPA approval process which extends far beyond the one chemical glyphosate. Americans depend on our government and regulatory agencies to protect us and if they are failing to demand safety studies on the final formulation of thousands of products, this means that the chemical products as they sit on the shelves in hardware stores, and as they are sprayed on our food, have never been deemed safe, and to claim that they are is fraudulent.
Honeycutt adds, "America prides itself on freedom. Are we all truly free if we cannot access food without GMOs and toxic chemicals? Don't we have the right to expect that our food is safe? Don't all American have the right to happiness and health? We know we can do better. We ask all farmers to switch to organic and regenerative eco-agriculture practices and food manufacturers to insist on organic ingredients.
Many people argue that residents of lower income areas cannot afford organic, however Honeycutt interviewed Samantha, a support coach for lower income teen moms from the Healthy Babies Project in Washington DC and she said, "I teach moms that they can buy organic. I take them shopping to buy all non GMO and organic and for 100 dollars we can get a cart full of produce and food that will last the mother and baby for two weeks."
Moms Across America is a 501c3 non profit whose motto is "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids."
National Health Billboard Campaign
National Health Billboard Campaign Targeting Senate Ag and HELP Committee Home States
Launched by Moms Across America
April 22, 2016- On Earth Day, running through Mother’s Day, Moms Across America launched a national billboard campaign to promote the benefits of organic.
The billboards are now appearing in 191 locations in 35 cities/13 states nationwide from Earth Day through Mother’s Day 2016.*
Thanks to many supporters and the reach of Adams and Fairway Outdoor Advertising, Moms Across America is able to reach millions a day with a message that could alter the health of America.
Moms Across America director Zen Honeycutt stated, “1 out of 2 children in America have a chronic illness.“Our families get better when they eat organic” is a health solution not only for consumers, but for our earth. Studies show organic improves the health of farmers, the quality of the soil, water, plants and reduces climate change as well.”
She continued, “Our intention is to reach millions of American consumers and our policy makers. We targeted the capitals of the home states of the Senate Ag and HELP Committed members, who make the decisions about whether to subsidize organic or label GMOs. We want them to support health, safety and honest labeling.”
Since the inception of Moms Across America 3 years ago, Honeycutt and her organization have received hundreds of testimonials from their supporters sharing how grateful they are that they learned about GMOs and related pesticides, describing the health improvements in detail.
For example:
“I had an awesome team of doctors at the children’s hospital that could not figure out what was wrong with my daughter who was getting sick after nearly every meal. The Moms posting on Facebook that their children got better when they got off GMOs saved my daughter’s life. That day, I went out and bought organic food and she stopped throwing up.” – Jennifer Lawrenson
Moms Across America recognizes that not every child reacts in this way to GMO food, “It’s sort of like smoking, some have ill health effects, some do not. The difference is that smoking is a choice, eating is not.” Honeycutt points out that all American’s no matter what their income level, location or socio economic background is, should have access to organic food. Access is a problem, we need more organic farmers. Also, many people are not aware however that organic food has many health benefits, for instance, studies show organic food contains far less pesticides, is not genetically engineered (meaning foreign proteins) and has a higher nutritional content. Eating organic reduces toxic burden on the body, which unquestionably benefits health.
The billboards were timed to post the week of the National Organic Standards Board meeting being held in Washington DC April 24-27th, and through Earth Day to Mother’s Day. Honeycutt spoke in the preliminary NOSB webinar this week, addressing the widespread contamination of organic by chemicals like glyphosate in Roundup and asked the NOSB to take action to protect organic farmer’s profit. She requested that the NOSB regulate, file lawsuits and work in conjunction with other organic standards group to hold the parties contaminating organic responsible.
The non profit organization’s main focus is educating the public about GMOs, related toxic chemicals and solutions.
“Our country is in a health crisis and we need to share solutions.We understand that many may question whether it is organic food which leads to health improvements or if there are other factors involved. I understand the skepticism. No one wants to pay more money for something without good reason, including myself. My response is to try it yourself. As much as you can afford, buy organic, in bulk and as local as much as possible for 2 weeks and cook at home. Note how you feel, many report tremendous health improvements.”
*The billboards are posted for 30 days at:
191 locations in 35 cities in 13 states reaching millions each day
- Rochester MN
- Atlanta GA
- Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte, Lake Norman,Grenesboro, Greeneville, Charleston SC
- Chattanooga TN
- Wichita Falls, Texarkana AR-TX, Sherman, Denison TX
- Chippewa, Monroe, Winona County, LaCrosse, Eau Claire, Kenosha WI
- Peoria, Bloomington, Penkin, Manito, Champaign IL
- Ann Arbor, Lansing, Detroit MI
- Norfolk,VA
- North Hampton, Lehigh, Camden, Wilmington, Philadelphia PA
Blair Fitzgibbon, Publicist
Zen Honeycutt, Exec.Director Moms Across America
Erica Line, Adams and Fairway Billboards
CA City Sets Organic Precedent over Toxic Chemicals
Irvine city council voted unanimously on Tuesday to use organic pesticides and herbicides on all public areas!
Thank you to Ayn Craciun, Kim Konte, Bob Johnson, Laurie Thompson and Kathleen Hallal - the Non Toxic Irvine team!
We are so excited for Irvine and for thousands of cities across the country who chose to follow suit!
Read the full article in The Hill- this publication is the most widely read in DC, reaching 24 k politicians.
About half of the toxic herbicides and pesticides sprayed in the US are used in landscaping an public areas.
According to the CA Dept of Pesticide Regulation, 2014 records showed that 250,000 pounds are used in Orange County each year (home to Irvine), 75,000 pounds of which are glyphosate. Decade long studies show that pesticide/herbicide exposure lowers IQ in children. Other new studies show glyphosate causes cancer cell growth, reproductive and other organ damage.
Citizens CAN make a difference in reducing toxic exposure!
You can go to your city council members. This is another approach to make a difference that some people may feel is more doable for them - they may feel more connected to their city officials than Senators. Just a different angle.
We urge a few citizens of every city to approach their city council and ask to "use organic alternatives instead of toxic chemicals".
We do not suggest asking for a ban at first...only because it is much more confrontational and city council will be more resistant.
They need to see that they can still manage pests/ weeds without those chemicals. Asking to use a different method is not unreasonable and not illegal.
There are many great alternatives on
Some states now have rules around not being able to restrict pesticide use without State Secretary of Agriculture approval....well this is not restricting but using alternative methods instead, which is perfectly fine.
What we have seen that works from the Irvine win:
- Get a small team and educate others...bring in a speaker or just a coffee gathering to talk about it.
- Meet with city officials individually first to have them on board and get it on agenda.
- Have doctors present info if possible.
- Then present at council for vote with as many citizen testimonials as possible. Parents of children with cancer are especially poweful.
- Coordinate media ahead of time.
There is much more info at Non Toxic Irvine.
So grateful for all their hard and smart work!
We applaud the city council members for serving the people of Irvine, something which our EPA and senators have failed to do. We hope our regulators and elected federal officials will see that all it takes is the political will to start protecting the people of America.
We hope you will be inspired to take one small step at a time to make a big difference for the health, IQ and long term future of your city!
If you do chose to take this step, start by posting your initial gathering on under EVENTS and get a code for a free box of materials to pass out which contains pesticide/herbicide info!
Download your "Creating Healthy Communities" printable flyer for your city council member here to start!
Have fun creating a healthy community!
Zen and MAA Team
Groundswell Of Organic Growth at Natural Product Expo West
Over 80,000 people packed the aisles of the Natural Products Expo West in Anheim CA, shoulder to shoulder we could just barely get glimpse at the booths and talk to the vendors for a moment. Usually I video tape and interview the vendors but this year it was too noisy. I took pictures and notes instead.
The theme of the largest health expo in the USA, NPEW. March 5-8th, 2015 literally jumped out at me over and over again for 4 days.
Our Health Matters and the gut has everything to do with it.
Signs of gut dysbiosis at the beginning stages of life showed up immediately. I was glad to see Natren address the need for a dairy free and vegan infant probiotic, but saddened by the thought of new mothers not only dealing with the loss of sleep, but with a child wracked with pain from allergies, leaky gut and gut dysbiosis.
It was almost like seeing an old friend when I stopped at the booth of MRM. This is the product my naturopath suggested to help seal my son's gut when he had gut dysbiosis, to take every morning, preceeding a raw organic green drink and a few vitamins he was lacking. While eating GMO free and mostly organic, he soon got better and experiences almost no allergic reactions today. His walnut allergy has dropped from a 19 to a 0.2.
I didn't know why then... why my children had multple food allergies when my husbad and I never did, or why they were vitamin deficient, or had perferations in their small inetstine, but I know now. I know that GMOs are either genetically engineered to BE a pesticide or to withstand herbicides which destroy the healthy gut bacteria and allow the proliferation of the pathogenic bacteria, leading to gut dysbiosis and numerous health issues. I know an entire generation of children are being compromised only to line the pockets of huge corporation CEOs with profit. I know it because I see it with my own eyes and have hundreds of testimonials from mothers.
The result of chemcial farming is a whole generation of children who need gluten free, nut free, dairy free, egg free,and soy free food in order to survive. We have suddenly found ourselves with a new "normal"...not being able to feed our neighbor's children during a play date and not being able to allow our children to eat any food when they go to a birthday party. Many of us know now however that in order to avoid toxic pesticides, it cannot be just gluten free or non GMO Project verified, it MUST be organic. We mother's struggle with being able to find allergen free, gluten free AND organic. I was grateful to find several brands making life easier for parents everywhere. This blog is not about marketing. I am not being paid to present these brands to you. I write, unpaid by any of these companies, to share SOLUTIONS.
I was happy to see Amazing Foods and The Sprouted Flour makes both organic and gluten free flours and mixes.
Several grain product companies offered organic ancient and sprouted grains, which mean less gluten, more vitamins and nutrients.
I was happy to see organic tamales! Yeay! GMO corn make sup 90% of our corn crops in America today. Non GMO and organic corn tamales are not easy to come by.
At many booths I was thrilled to be greeted by a Mom, the founder and driving force behind healthy organic foods.
"Mom Made" and Love & Hummus Co. spend the extra time and energy to make sure it is organic for you.
I was also glad to see the rise of organic stevia, organic being crucial to avoid Roundup (glyphosate). Consumers are learning that the most widely used herbicide in the world, Roundup (glyphosate) is sprayed on crops as a dessicant or drying agent, at harvest to speed up the process of harvest. We want to avoid glyphosate, which is a patented antibiotic ( destroys gut bacteria and weakens the immune system), chelator ( mineral deficiency) and endocrne disruptor ( birth defects, infertility and sterility). We want only organic and non GMO sweetners (aspartame is GMO) void of toxic pesticides. This is a stand for fair trade labor as well, as we know now that 20,000 young men who worked on sugar crops sprayed with Rpundup (glyphosate) in South America died from live and kidney disease...glyphosate is recognized on the EPA fact sheet to cause "liver and kidney damage". Correlation is not causation but as Robyn O'Brien says, it does deserve investigation. As a mother I add that it deserves speculation and precaution as well.
Better to be safe than sorry.
There is no need to feed our children GMO high fructose corn syrup or Roundup ( glyphosate) sprayed non organic sugar cane which is allowd to have 25 ppm of glyphosate. There is no need to expose them to toxins. It is unecessary and unjust if one cannot afford organic.
I was glad to see organic stevia and organic cane sugar ingredients in products such as Veri organic soda. I was dismayed recently to see Blue Sky organic soda dissapear fom the shelves. "Natural" sodas are not good enough. It must be organic.
Another rare sight to see was organic Beef Jerky, grass fed and on non GMO grains. Were this brand available across the nation, snacking would be safer and free of toxins. Belinski's sausage was delicious and contained only a handful of wholesome ingredients.
One of the products that made me the happiest to see was Cultured & Saucy probiotic condiments. Many American's are not used to the concept of feremented or cultured foods, and yet almost every other culture consumes these healthy, gut healing foods with nearly every meal. The Mediterraneans consume yogurt daily, the Japanese; Miso, the Koreans; pickled/fermented vegetables, and the Europeans eat saurkraut regularly. These foods restore the healthy bacteria in the gut, where 70% of our immune system lies. Eating these foods with our meals is as crucial as avoiding GMOs and Glyphosate and eating organic. It takes some getting used to to eat a tablespoon of raw organic saurkraut with every lunch and dinner, so some many want to flavor their salsa or munch on probiotic hors d'oeurves instead. However, you get fermented or cultured foods into your diet do it. Your stomach will sing, your moods will lift and your energy will return. Restore your gut bacteria, heal your gut, regain your immune system.
Organic MEANS Non GMO and no toxic pesticides. Eat organic and add cultured foods into your diet.
Thanks to all the dedicated people who take the extra effort to use organic ingredients, who buck the system and avoid GMO, chemically farmed foods. Thank you to all the food manufacturers who go the extra mile to feed America organic.
Zen Honeycutt
Beauty & Body
Organic Body, Mind and Soul
Host a Holiday Party in December with NYR Organic, our fabulous sponsor!!!
Gather your friends for a sensational evening of pampering and learning about the benefits of organic with an award winning ethical beauty and body care company.
See flyer below:
Here are NYR Organic's Top 10 REASONS TO BUY ORGANIC:
1) Better for our planet
2) Better for our wellbeing
3) Safe for animals
4) Better for wildlife
5) Better for our future
6) Organic food tastes better
7) Eliminate GMOs (and Glyphosate!)
8) Healthy skincare
9) Encourage healthy school lunches
10) Be the change ( ie: Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids!)
Host a Holiday Party with NYR Organic and support these top ten reasons and more. We are proud to have such sponsors, whose motto is "People Helping People," in partnership with us to create health and well being around the world. More than 7000 reps around the USA strongly supporter our GMO awareness campaign and are helping to effect change in your communities. Please connect with a rep, make a new friend, invite your friends and have a wonderful Holiday party! Get great Thank you gifts too!
Click here to find a Rep near you.
Post your event at
A Happy Body+Happy YOU=Happy Family and Happy HOLIDAYS!
Zen and MAAM Team