Pesticide Immunity Bill Myths
Vote No on Foreign Chemical Company Immunity Bill
Foreign chemical companies based in Berlin and Beijing are pushing legislation in states to give themselves immunity for misbranding pesticides and hurting farmers. This is what these bills will do:
- Kills Accountability: It blocks accountability against foreign pesticide companies—even if they lie to the EPA or hide evidence of health or property damage risks.
- Leaves Farmers Unprotected: Farmers who get cancer, Parkinson’s, or see their crops destroyed by misbranded pesticides will have no path to hold the company accountable.
- Empowers Foreign Interests: It would shield ChemChina, a Chinese military-owned company, and Bayer, who counts its profits in Euros, from accountability if their products harm Americans.
- Proponents of this bill cannot defend it on the merits, so they rely on lies.
Let’s correct the record:
Myth #1: “The bill only clarifies the EPA label is the official warning.”
Fact: It strips away farmers’ ability to hold companies accountable when pesticides are misbranded. Even Senator Watson admitted: “The manufacturer cannot be held liable for failing to warn consumers of any product.” If foreign chemical companies lie to the EPA, the passage of these bills lets them off the hook.
Myth #2: “FIFRA law supports this.”
Fact: FIFRA does not allow companies to misbrand or hide risks. This bill removes farmers' and families' only path to accountability when pesticides are unlawfully misbranded. If this bill were to become law and a chemical company deceives the EPA, injured farmers would have no recourse.
Myth #3: “This ensures label consistency.”
Fact: Labels should be updated as new science emerges, but this bill stops that process. Under this bill, if a company knows that the EPA label is outdated or based on false info, there’s no penalty for the manufacturer when people get hurt or crops are destroyed. These bills gives permission to cover up.
Myth #4: “It’s just about legal certainty.”
Fact: It gives ‘certainty’ by giving immunity. States shouldn’t remove the right to hold chemical companies accountable or trust the EPA—alone—to protect Georgians. No accountability means more risk to Georgians.
Myth #5: “Future pesticides will be safe.”
Fact: If new evidence proves a pesticide is harmful, the company shouldn’t be able to hide behind an outdated label. This bill means no updates, no consequences—and farmers pay the price.
Myth #6: “Isn’t this all about glyphosate?”
Fact: This bill benefits ChemChina. The Pentagon calls ChemChina a “Chinese Military Company.” ChemChina’s sells paraquat to Americans, but it is banned in China and 70 other countries for links to Parkinson’s disease.
Myth #7: “Misbranded pesticide disasters are hypothetical, so this bill won’t hurt real farmers.”
Fact: In 2017 misbranded dicamba destroyed 3.6 million acres of soybeans, proving how badly farmers suffer when companies hide risks and misbrand pesticides.
Myth #8: “EPA approval alone guarantees the label is valid and safe.”
Fact: The EPA does not do its own studies and heavily relies on corporate-supplied data, meaning hidden dangers often come to light after harm—these bills aim to block accountability for hidden dangers.
Myth #9: “Property rights are untouched by this legislation.
Fact: If a misbranded pesticide drifts and devastates crops, or hidden dangers damage farmers or their families, these bills deny them the right to hold companies accountable, ripping away core protections.
Myth #10: “No one opposes this bill.”
Fact: Polling shows 89% of Americans (and 84% of farmers) oppose immunity for chemical companies, revealing near-universal demand for accountability when products are misbranded.
Myth #11: “This is about protecting U.S. businesses from frivolous lawsuits.”
Fact (single sentence): Foreign corporations like ChemChina (linked to the Chinese military) and Bayer benefit most, leaving farmers defenseless when foreign companies cause harm.
Bottom Line: This bill puts corporate profits—and foreign interests—ahead of our farmers and families. It destroys a vital check on chemical companies and undermines our state’s sovereignty.
Million Dollar Crop Loss, Rapid Aging, Obesity, Diabetes, and Brain Damage: The Tale of Three Studies on Glyphosate
Once a word that most reporters could not pronounce, “glyphosate” is now a common household word, with new studies popping up monthly on the harms of this ingredient that is the most widely used herbicide in the world.
A new report by Friends of the Earth shares that U.S. food retail sector faces $219 billion risk from pesticides. Three new studies show why this is happening.
Press Release - 100% of Top Twenty Fast Food Brands Positive for Glyphosate Herbicide 90% Positive for Harmful Pesticides
Moms Across America reveals alarming levels of glyphosate and pesticides found in top 20 fast food brand meals
ASHEVILLE, NC, Oct 11, 2023 - Moms Across America, a national nonprofit, today announced the results of testing for Glyphosate and pesticides in America’s fast food.
The educational nonprofit has initiated an extensive testing program on the country’s top twenty, highest grossing fast food brands, as listed by the QSR50, in addition to California’s In-N-Out Burger, which is ranked #33. Forty-two samples of 21 brands were tested for the most widely used herbicide in the world, glyphosate, 236 agrochemicals, 4 heavy metals, PFAS, phthalates, and mineral content. The top ten brands were additionally tested for 104 commonly used veterinary drugs and hormones, B Vitamins, and calories.
On Monday, October 9, Moms Across America reported alarming levels of veterinary drugs and hormones found in meals served at the top 10 most frequented fast food restaurants. Today’s report reveals results for the glyphosate and pesticide portion of the testing program.
Glyphosate results summary:
- 100% of the top 20 ( +1) fast food brands contained alarming glyphosate residues.
- Studies show that .1 ppb of glyphosate causes animal liver and organ damage.
- The highest levels detected- 213.58 ppb and 225.53 ppb, totaling 439.11 in two samples- were in Panera Bread, a self-proclaimed proprietor of "good food" and "clean, wholesome foods."
- The second highest levels of glyphosate were found in Arby's sandwiches- 124.2 and 99 ppb, totaling 223.33 ppb. Dairy Queen and Little Caesar’s were nearly tied for third highest, at 126 ppb and 128 ppb total glyphosate detected, respectively.
- The lowest levels were found in Chipotle meals, totaling 4.65 ppb for both samples, which is 94.4 times lower than the highest levels, 439.11 ppb, detected in Panera Bread. Chipotle was one of the first fast food restaurants to advertise non-GMO and organic ingredients.
- Next lowest were Panda Express and McDonald's at 4.75 and 5.58 ppb, respectively.The total amount of glyphosate detected in 42 samples was 2089 ppb, a level over 20,000 times higher than the amount (.1 ppb) that has been found to cause severe organ damage, specifically liver disease, in animal studies (
The full lab report on glyphosate and AMPA can be found here.
Pesticide results summary:
- 76% of fast food brands contained at least trace levels of 27 different kinds of harmful pesticides.
- The highest levels were found in Domino’s and Pizza Hut pizza.
- The “healthier” fast food companies, Panera Bread, In-N-Out and Chipotle, all had either trace or detectable and concerning levels of pesticides.
- The side effects from these pesticides in animal studies include symptoms such as loss of balance, irritable behavior, gut dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, coma, and death.
The full lab report of pesticide results can be found here.
“Moms Across America is concerned about the risk of consuming fast food, as the levels of glyphosate and pesticides found in these popular fast food brands may be a significant contributing factor to the rise of liver disease and organ damage in America,” said Zen Honeycutt, Founder and Executive director of Moms Across America. “Even more concerning are the potential effects of children eating school lunches provided by fast food brands on a daily basis.”
Commissioned by Moms Across America and its supporters, Children’s Health Defense and the Centner Academy, the Fast Food Testing Program tested two types of samples- three to four meals of each type- from each of 21 locations across the United States. Samples were shipped to the Health Research Institute in their original packaging, untouched and frozen.
Moms Across America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
For press inquiries, contact Mara Quigley, Steve Allen Media at [email protected] or 661.255.8283
The True Savings of Organic Food
An Account of Our Research Process and Findings
By Irene Fearnley and the Moms Across America Team
It’s no secret that cooking meals at home are more cost-effective than going out to eat. But what if you want to eat 100% organic, isn't that more expensive?
In our new research, we show that it is still more cost-effective even if the ingredients are 100% organic. In addition to helping your wallet, cooking meals at home also has the potential for significant health benefits; since you yourself are in control of the products and ingredients you buy, it is easier to make eating organic, non-GMO whole foods a priority. When it comes to eating your meals outside the home, you may be inundated with unhealthy and non-sustainably grown options like the fare offered at fast-food chains. Even at other restaurants, you can never be too sure about the types of ingredients being used and where they are sourced from. To put it plainly, when you decide to cook from home you are making the decision that is truly best for your health and that of your family.
Read moreIs Your Family Swimming in Pesticides in HOA Outdoor Pools?
When a family member was recently diagnosed with kidney disease, I wondered if the pesticides sprayed in her HOA might have contributed to the illness. When I got the HOA's landscaping records, as you will see in the letter below, I was shocked. I realized that the thousands of gallons of these toxic chemicals, mostly sprayed around the community amenity center where the outdoor pool is located, were likely drifting into the pool. My family member swam in that pool several times a week during warm weather, which in Florida, was often. I believe that outdoor pool water could be a significant source of exposure to toxic landscaping and pest management chemicals, contributing to chronic health issues.
By going through this process I have realized that people all across the nation could benefit if we could test pool water in multiple HOAs for the toxic pesticides that they are using to kill weeds and pests. We could convince the HOA managers and landscaper to switch to safer alternatives (we provide a list of many choices) and we could make a difference in hundreds or thousands of communities being healthier.
It is our fervent hope that you will read the below letter, use a version of it for your HOA ( after you get your HOA records), and partner with us to create healthy communities!
Read morePesticides Proven to Change the Taste of Wines
New Discoveries
Press Release
The discoveries by J Douzelet & GE Séralini:
A very first description of the tastes of 11 pesticides is proposed. They are detected first in water, diluted freshly at the levels found in wines, by 36 professionals from wine or cooking in 195 blind tests at different periods.
They are the most frequently found pesticides in wines in our experiment. Some animals can detect pesticides and change their behavior in response. In order to find out if humans can also detect pesticides by their taste in wines, a three-step experiment was conducted.
Read moreFDA Means to Let Food Companies Off the Hook AGAIN
We hope you are having a wonderful holiday and get a chance to rest. Unfortunately, the FDA never ceases their shenanigans.
Below is a link to an article on the FDA's current redefining of "healthy" only using nutritional content for parameters. And then not enforcing it.
"While FDA is considering how to redefine the term “healthy” as a nutrient content claim, food manufacturers can continue to use the term “healthy” on foods that meet the current regulatory definition. FDA is also issuing a guidance document stating that FDA does not intend to enforce the regulatory requirements for products that use the term if certain criteria described in the guidance document are met"
This means by only classifying "healthy" under NUTRITIONAL content, they avoid GMO and pesticides, continuing to allow them in "healthy" food.
I .
Even Google knows better: If you search for "Healthy Foods" what shows up are whole foods on the left, not processed food such as Cheerios, on the right which has high residue levels of glyphosate.
Also the FDA's decision to "redefine healthy" successfully delays the outcome of any legal action against food companies,
"The FDA’s action on “healthy” may prove meaningful for food companies in a number of ways. For example, companies currently defending lawsuits challenging “healthy” on labels may consider seeking a stay of litigation pending FDA’s final action"
Outrageous! Their "final action" will takes YEARS. And even then, because the FDA won't enforce it, legally, it will be nearly impossible to hold food companies to account for their claims.
Please ask your supporters and friends to make comments here:
Please tell the FDA to DO THEIR JOB!
In the meantime, while our regulatory agencies stoop to new levels of low, irresponsibility, and corruption we once again assert that the women and moms who make 90% of the household choices are the ones that will turn this around.
The fact is that if we don't buy it, the food companies cannot sell it.
All we need to do is empower women and moms and we can transform the food system and the future of America
Your donation to Moms Across America creates a huge shift to organic!
Thanks for your support!
With Love,
Zen and MAA Team
My comment to the FDA below:
Moms all across America have tried to take care of their children by requesting to have their children's urine tested for glyphosate and their doctors have said they cannot do the tests. They have asked labs directly to do the glyphosate tests on urine and they have said no. American Moms have not been able to test their own children or their own urine for the most widely used chemical pesticides on the planet... until now.
Do you want to get your urine, tap water, breast milk, or other liquids tested for glyphosate and other toxins?
You can! It's easy.
The Health Research Institute was established in 2017, it is a 501(c)3 non-profit laboratory which offers research, education and service. It is a High Complexity CLIA Certified clinical laboratory and an ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 Accredited analytical laboratory. |
Home Glyphosate Tests for Food and Water Hair Tests for Glyphosate and other pesticides LC/MS/MS validated methodology. Glyphosate Residue Free certification. Ask your favorite brands to get certified! |
Great Plains Laboratories, Inc. Offers tests for heavy metals and chemicals. Ask for special pricing for Moms Across America supporters. |
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We hear this lab does a good job testing hair for allergies. |
Also, check out our Health Solutions Store for detox solutions. Thank you!
Pesticide Free Zones
Claremont Courier, February 13, 2015. No More Pesticides in Claremont, CA?
Guest Blog By Evaggelos Vallianatos author of "Poison Spring" and EPA Whistle blower
Evangellos will also be on our International Cofnerence Call to Action on May 2, 2015 at Moms Meetups at over 100 locations around the country.
Read more